Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cake Ball Attempt - Don't Judge Me

HAHAH.  Ok, so I thought I could whip out beautiful cake balls like Bakerella does.  Oh, was I wrong.


The fine art of crafting beautiful cake balls is much much harder than I ever suspected!  Somewhere along the line, I must have missed the "best practices" memo on how to perfect the end result.  grrrr.

Let me back up and say, the beginning process is quite simple.  You back a cake, let it cool, crumble it into a large bowl and mix in a container of frosting.  After mixing in the frosting, you chill the mix for about 45 mins to an hour.  Once chilled, simple pinch out or scoop out enough of the mix to make 1" - 2" balls, rolling them between your hands.  Line balls up on a cookie sheet covered with wax or parchment paper and put into the freezer for 3 - 4 hours.  This is the "easy" part. 

When your cake balls are sufficiently chilled, melt chocolates or candy melts in a microwave safe bowl or in a double boil pot, and start dunking your cake balls to cover them completely.  

This is where the hard part begins.  The dunking process is quite tricky.  If your cake ball becomes too warm it has a tendency to slide off whatever instrument you are using to dunk with.  So, you either have to work in small batches or you have to work very quickly, therefore, there isn't much time for fancy dipping. 

This is where I feel I failed!  My cake balls were perfectly rolled.  Chilled to perfection.  But, my dunking skills were dismal.  I tried to use bamboo skewers to dunk the cake balls, but the balls just slid around on the stick and then it was terribly difficult to get the cake ball to come off the stick once the candy coating was applied.  Most of the cake balls were transferred to the cookie sheet with a huge hole in the top of each one, which I later filled with leftover melted candy melts. 

In the end it worked out ok...but they didn't look beautiful like I had hoped they would.  However, they taste pretty darn good.  A little sweet for my tastes, but my kids love them! 

The truth is, I'll probably try making these again...but hopefully I figure out a better method for dunking!  

So, check out my cake balls and please let me know what methods you've tried to make the process easier! 

Until next time... Happy Dippin' ♥

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