Thursday, May 26, 2011

Catching Up, Again!

Ok, it's time for me to admit that I will not be able to consistently keep this blog going.  I slack, I forget, and I just plain don't get to the computer every night to post an update.  I think about wanting to post during the day sometimes, but usually am too busy during work to actually get something posted.

So, what I'm saying is... I missed out on the Saturday's Shoe Picks last week and Tunes for Tuesday & Way Back Wednesday post this week... are you really surprised?   Yeah, me neither!

Anyway... we are just about to come into a long weekend!  Hooray for long weekends.  And a holiday weekend too --  Memorial Day Weekend, so essentially that means most of the attractions around here will be opening up.  This is truly a good thing!  Living in the northeast really means living seasonally... unless you like winter things... and I don't!

Ok...gotta go.  "L" wants a smoothie...  lol...

Until next time...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Way Back Wednesday - The Carnival Is In Town!

Every year around this time, the carnival comes to town.  You know the kind... it goes up overnight (or so it seems), is scantly run, and disappears before you even finish eating your candied apple.   Yep, that kind.

Around here, it's almost always a given that you (read: the folks in this area) know when the carnival is in town because inevitably it also rains the whole time the carnival is here.  It seems like the clouds roll in during the week the carnival sets up and they roll out a few days after the carnies...  There might be a few patches of dry over the course of the carnival, but chances are the rides are too wet to run anyway... so it's usually a wash.  No pun intended.

The truth is, every once in a while, while the carnival is in town, we do experience nice weather... so let's look back two years to 2009...

"J" (far left) on the Typhoon 
"L" on the Merry-Go-Round
I should mention here that I absolutely love carnivals and such, so we do try to go every year when this gig comes to town.  If not for anything else, we love cotton candy & fried dough!  Oh, and the Ferris Wheel!

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Wavering Will Power...

I must resist the urge to eat everything in sight.  I'm not really hungry, just up past my bedtime, so my brain thinks it's time to eat again... or something like that.

I must resist.   Seriously...  I should just go to bed, because if I don't... well, who knows what could happen!

For the record, I'm not talking about starving myself here!  I'm just talking myself away from the binge-fest (and no, not that extreme either!) that could potentially happen if I wander out into the kitchen.  One bite will turn into two, and two into three, and before I know it, a whole sleeve of crackers will be gone.  It's this type of activity that I suspect will hinder any measure of weight loss that I may or may not kid myself about achieving!

So, for now... I must resist.

Tunes for Tuesday - Three of My Favorites!

I don't usually have a theme for each daily blog post, but "Tunes for Tuesday" just popped into my head, and well, like most things, I figured I would just run with it.  I'm not sure if this will become a regular thing, since I've recently slacked tremendously with this we'll have to see how it goes. 

I really wanted to start off this post with a video of my son's band and their recent performance at a local school, but I can't figure out how to get the video off of facebook and onto this platform.  I'll have to come back to it if I can figure it out

Anyway, so, Tunes for Tuesday... or simply Tunesday... LOL...oh, I like that!  ;)

Ok, these are three of my favorite songs... not in any particular order... and trust me when I say my faves change all the time!  The truth is, I could list 20 + songs as my faves, but that would seriously be we'll start small and build on it! 

Do you have any songs that you just love and want to share with me? 

Until next time... keep jammin' ... ♥

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Design Idea for Cherry St. - Kitchen Edition

You may or may not know, but about a year ago, I bought a house.  I haven't moved into this house,'s been vacant for a year, not including the year it was on the market -- so technically, it's been vacant for two years.

Anyway, when I bought the place, it was almost move in ready.  I just wanted to change a few things and then I thought I would be able to move in.  Well, an unfortunate event of bursting pipes caused a whole mess of problems and now, it's under repair.  Let's just say that the kitchen and bathroom downstairs now both need a serious overhaul to be acceptable.

For quite some time, I've been looking at my kitchen wondering what the heck I should do.  What design theme should I go with?  Up until today, I just really couldn't decide, and the truth is, I am not in love with the current color of the cabinets.  There is just something about the honey tone stain color that does NOTHING for me.  If anything it reminds me of a country kitchen, and that's the last color palette I would choose.  I love dark cabinets and usually lean more towards a nice dark cherry or espresso colored stain.  And then I came across this design idea on and I was instantly sold!

How wonderful is this!  I adore it!  Black cabinets, a nice white wainscoting back splash and I think I would go with a nice warm brown tone granite counter top!  Combining this design concept with a few red items (sort of like the flowers in the image) for visual contrast will bring it all together for me!  I'm so in love with this look and can't wait to see it completed in my house!

And, it also creates an excuse to get new dishes, which I've been wanting to do for quite some time!

Saturday's Shoe Picks - Steppin' Out With a Rocker Edge

I've been away from my blog for far too long, so I wanted to make sure to post today and well, since I'm at the computer right now, listening to Cat Power, I better get this posted. :)

If you been following along you'll know right away that I'm going to look at to find the shoes for this blog post.  And you'll also know that I simply LOVE their site!  I recently purchased three pair of shoes from them and as expected, the experience was fabulous; my shoes arrived within 5 days.

The reason I mention that is because of the three pair, only one was actually for me.  The other for my daughter and one pair for my niece.  Anyway, back to my pair... yes, that's what we are really talking about here!  My pair of stilettos are rockin'!  Wanna see?  ;)

SEE!  What did I tell you!  Rockin'!  And the absolute best part... I got them during a special on Type Z normally at $99.00 -- I got these shoes for only $19.99!  Yes, less than twenty bucks!  And they fit like a glove, you know, a foot glove...LOL.  ;)

So, let's look at other shoes that I also rate as rockin'... As always, I'm going to only look for shoes under $50 because, let's face it, breaking the bank isn't necessary just to look your best!  :)

Carlos by Carlos Santana Curiosity
ALDO Munday 
Madden Girl Kullen
Naughty Monkey Portia

Maybe I just think that black and grey are rocking or maybe I just love these.  Either way, I love finding a good deal... so, as you can see, these shoes all fit the criteria -- rockin' on a budget!  So, go ahead, what are you waiting for?  Head over to and find the perfect shoes for your day!  But, please, don't buy out all the size 7 heels!  ;)  

Until next time... keep it rockin'!  ♡ ♡ ♡  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Slacking again...

I admit it, I'm a scatter brain!  I've once again neglected my blog... I missed Saturday's Shoe Picks this past weekend and now I've also missed Way Back Wednesday... UGH!

I'm trying to keep it all together, but sometimes things just slip away from me...

The truth is, I just celebrated my birthday on as you can imagine, that's where my thoughts have been!

Anyway, I'll be back on track soon...

Until then...