Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why The Entitled Attitude?

I wonder why some people act like they are entitled to everything.  I really find it annoying when someone walks around with an entitled attitude, making people feel like they owe them.  My motto has always been, if you can't afford it on your own, you probably don't need it, but that must just be the modesty in me, because so many people that I know act differently!

Let's take my siblings for example... both of them constantly ask me for money... but not in a kind and respectful way, no.  In a way that makes me cringe.   Recently, my youngest of my two brothers was arrested and has been in jail for a few months, well at one point he was asking everyone for bail money, but once he realized that no one had the bail for him ($7500), he was quoted as saying, "Just tell my sister to put her house up for collateral for me."

UM?  WHAT?  The house that I bust my ass every day to pay for... the home of my children... you want me to put that on the line for you?  Just because you don't like being in jail.  Hmmm... well, I'm sorry honey, but I didn't put you there, Your actions did, and I shouldn't have to pay the price for your mistakes.

Now, don't get me wrong, I try to help people out whenever I can.  BUT, not when it isn't warranted!

Another example, is "D's" sister...  and I realize I probably shouldn't be talking about here on this forum, but I've really had more than I can take.  Her entitled attitude makes me so angry!  Recently, she asked "D" to co-sign a bank loan for $2500 so that she and her fiance and their 5 children could move to a bigger apartment.  Now, normally, "D" would go out of his way to help his siblings, christ, one of them (his brother) has currently taken up residence on our couch (fodder for another post another time, I suppose) but right now, between the two houses we own, we are cutting it close to not being able to afford our own lives, let alone helping others.  The most difficult part about trying to help "D's" sister is that she isn't trying to help herself.  She's a stay at home mom, and before you flame me, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with staying at home with your kids, I envy it really, but if you want/need more money, try working from home or something to make a little money for yourself... but don't beg for money from your family members.  It annoys me that she does this.  Especially since she recently posted photos of her new computer, new dining room set, and new living room set!  I'm thinking that stuff probably cost at least $3K... I mean, that could be a little on the high side depending on any deals they may have found, but the point is, if you can afford to blow money on new items like that, then eventually you can afford to save the money to move...and you don't have to ask your brother to co-sign a loan for you.  RIGHT?

This is just a small example of some of the entitled attitudes that "D" and I run into.  Like I said early, I have two brothers, and the older of the two also constantly asks for things, bus tickets, money, etc... And as previously mentioned, "D's" little brother has currently been dubbed our "sofa loafer."

Most days, I feel like we must run a sibling charity center or something along those lines.  It's a difficult thing to grasp for both "D" and I.  Neither one of us have ever asked other people for help in this sort of capacity.  We both have always just worked for what we wanted or needed, and I don't understand how these siblings of ours get off acting like they are entitled to anything from us.  UGH.

I admit that maybe I can be harsh sometimes, it just gets old when every time I turn around someone is standing there with their hand out, looking for a free ride!

Do you ever deal with this?  Am I being too harsh?  

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