Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tunes for Tuesday - My Newest Addiction!

I'm going to make this short this morning since I'm running a few minutes behind and need to get out the door on time for work today!

So, with that said, let's take a look at my newest addiction.  If you remember me saying in a previous post, I have a tendency to find a song or band I like that I will continuously play for a while...  and right now that band happens to be The Civil Wars!

I "found" this band because a friend on Facebook posted one of their videos last week, so when it showed up in my feed and I clicked to play the video, I was instantly hooked.  

I just love everything about this band!  First of all, it's a duo... and I love duos!  The musicians are John Paul White & Joy Williams.  From what I've read, they were both solo artists that were put into a room together and from there this amazing journey between them began.  And when I say amazing, I mean totally frickin' awesome!  Once you hear them, you'll know what I'm talking about!

Now, If I didn't know better, I would have thought these two had been together for years and years and years... they flow together like milk & honey.  It's endearing to watch how closely connected they are with each other... not only in the music between them, but their stage presence shows that they are highly attuned to each other.  It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!  Secretly, I can't help but feel a tinge of jealously and wanting to have a relationship in my own life that is similar to what they display.

Alright, so let's just get right down to it.  I'm going to post a few videos, but I highly suggest that you go over to YouTube to continue to listen to their music or go out and purchase their album!  I can guarantee you won't be disappointed!

Oh, and they have done a few fabulous cover songs!  I love a good cover... when it's done well, and well, they have done things to these songs that just make me feel so.... so absolutely inspired!

Well, there you have it... my new obsession!  I mean seriously, if you watched these videos, how could you not just love these two... their sound, their connection, and Joy's fabulous dance moves!  LOL... she's just too cute... and well, John Paul has already stolen my heart... shhhhhh ... Don't tell "D"!  ;)

Don't forget to leave me some of your favorite songs in the comment sections!  I'm always looking to discover new music!

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