Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Night Madness

Let me set the stage for Monday nights in my home.

Between the hours of 6:30pm to 8pm, your ears will instantly feel assulted by the crash and boom of every bass kick & cymbal hit...mix in the electrified riffs of mostly teen angst punk rock music, flowing faster than one might really enjoy played at maximum volume and twist in some groove junky bass licks and you've got what I call Monday Night Madness at my house! 

They call themselves "The New Pollution". 

Right now at this very moment, they are playing the fastest version of "My Generation" by The Who that I have EVER heard.  Performing this song has been an evolving project for them.  The first night they played it, they didn't know much of the song and even less of the lyrics.  Tonight, they did much better.  (*whew*)

They have a few other songs on their playlist right now that they sort of circle around playing each week.  I'm having a hard time recalling them right now.  But believe me when I say they aren't played at their normal tempo.  Nope, not from this band.

Tonight they seem to be having some strange radio interference in one of the amps, so country music keeps playing during their performed songs!  It's quite funny!  :) 

So, there you have it.  Monday nights at my home include three teenaged boys playing instruments and becoming rock stars in my living room!  And although I sometimes wish I could bury my head in the sand to avoid the headache, I wouldn't have it any other way!  (I suppose I should get earplugs though)

These kids are super talented and I am happy to be able to provide a place where they can participate in clean creativity with friends!

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