Monday, March 28, 2011

A Little About Me...

I'd like to think that since you are reading my blog, that you might want to know a little about me.  I'm sure you don't want all the nitty gritty of my upbringing or all the details of my daily routine... but maybe you would like to know a few facts.  I'm thinking I'll start with maybe 11... yes...11 facts.

So, let's begin:

1.  I have 2 kids - (my son is almost 15 & my daughter just turned 9)
2.  I'm a vegetarian - however I still eat cheese and occasionally drink milk.
3.  My favorite colors are:  fushia, green, pink, purple, black, & red.
4.  I like cats, but I'm allergic.
5.  I have a dog & a turtle.
6.  My hair is long, really long.  
7.  I love to window shop.  
8.  I like to garden!  I've planted many flowers in my time... I want to start growing veggies this year!
9.  The hippie scene is where it's at for me!  (drum circles, hula hooping, dancing, friends, etc)
10.  My friends, though I only have a few, mean a lot to me, and I try to help them whenever I can!
11.  I've been with my boyfriend for almost 14 years.

So, there you have it... maybe you care, maybe you don't, but here are 11 random facts about me at this point in my life.  Most of these things will never change... some of them may as time moves on and I evolve.  

I think I'll randomly post other facts about myself as my blog progresses, but for now, this is what you get.

Do you have any questions?  Do you want to know anything else about me?

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