Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm Stressed!!!

I'm frustrated today!  I just spent the last two days knocked out cold on the couch...and if that isn't where I was, then I was found crouching in front of the porcelain bowl yakking my guts out.  Not a pretty sight, believe me!

So, now I'm slowly starting to rejoin the world of the living, only to see that I have a huge backlog of assignments to deal with at work and I have a family issue that is driving me insane!!!

Work...ok, I can catch up.  It might take a few days, but I'll be back on track soon... I hope!!!  Things are looking crazy...but I should be able to pull it together.  Worst case scenario, I work a few hours over the weekend to catch myself up!  Easy Peasy.  (again, I hope!)

This family issue though...not so easy peasy.  Matter of fact, it's messy and crazy!  Ugly and disrespectful!  Shameful and ridiculous!  

You see... my lil' brother, in all his infinite glory, while broken up from his daughter's mother, decided he should get twisted, and disrespect his baby momma.  NOT COOL.  

How you ask?

Well, I don't have the full details...just some of it... the parts that he wanted me to know...  

He sent me a letter trying to explain himself and why he did what he did.  (Maybe he doesn't remember the abusive relationship I was in many years ago, so maybe he doesn't realize that I don't sympathize with womanizers).  So, apparently, he says he's never done this before.  (Yet, I'm pretty sure he told me that before).  He says he was mad.  (As my Grammie says, "Dogs get mad, people get angry.")

It isn't my place to out my lil' brother and say exactly what he has done to disrespect "S"... but let's just say this...  He has anger and alcohol issues and needs help.

This to me isn't an excusable act.  You don't just act this way and expect things to be okay, or expect people to want to treat you the same.  It just doesn't work that way and anyone who does just roll with it has no respect for decency! 

So, yeah, you see why I'm stressed?  Thanks to some stellar (by stellar I mean shitty) moments by my lil' brother, I'm likely to miss out on seeing my niece grow up. 

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