Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tunes for Tuesday - Bringin' Back the Past

As I've previously mentioned,  I want to try to revive this blog... or at least revive my interest in writing this blog.  And right now, I can think of no better way than to share a few of my favorite tunes from my past with you!  Don't worry, you'll love this!  ;)

So, let's get started!

This first song, I will never ever ever tire of.  I remember hearing it for the first time while in 3rd grade... I was eight at that time.  I remember we lived in a small red house on a red clay dirt road in Florida.  We had a hammock in the yard.  Life was simple then...  ooops... sorry, I don't mean to trail off... back to the song!

I still enjoy this song just as much now as I did then.  So, here it is:

Yeah, there is no doubt that this song is "da bomb"!  Annie Lenox is amazing!  'Nuff said.

The next song that I'd like to share with you is one that I also still enjoy and have recently found it appealing all over again.  So, without further adieu...

How can you not resist this fantastic song!  :)

So, at this point, it must seem like I only like female band leads.  Well, I do enjoy a good female voice for sure, but it's not a priority when choosing favorite songs.  I do like bands lead by males too...so on that note, my next song choice will be a song that I grew up listening to.  I'm willing to bet that my folks started playing this next song to me the moment I was born and very regularly from that point on!  I remember twirlin' in our living room when I was maybe 3 years old to this next song.  I swore it was written for me!  I mean, it had to be, right?

I guess you can be the judge of that, but know that secretly I think this song is mine and mine only.  ;)

HAHA!  Caught you with that one, didn't I?

Anyway, I adore these songs.  They will forever be memorable songs to me; ones I can turn to when I need a pick me up.  And the best part is that each and every time I hear one of these songs, I instantly remember the very first time I ever heard these songs and I heart that!

Until next time...


  1. NUTS! ALL MY FAVORITES! and yes that song was written for you. Duh. YO.:) Great picks!!

  2. Thanks, Yo! ♥
    I guess I missed yesterday's chance at another Tunes for Tuesday post... I've got to get in the habit of posting regularly! :)
