Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tunes for Tuesday - Memories & Memorials

As I write this Tunes for Tuesday post, I'm trying to come to terms with the recent passing of one of my Dad's best friends, who also happens to be my ex's father.  It's been many years since "JMB" (my ex) and I have been together, but I still care about his family deeply.  We dated for several years, have known eachother for over 20 years and our family's spent a lot of time together!  It's been a blessing to still be able to have a connection after all this time.

Now, it has only been a little over a week since "Jr." passed and I'm having a hard time with his untimely death.  You see, "Jr" was still quite young; only in his early to mid 50s.  He still should have had many more years on this earth, with his wife, his four kids, & his six grandkids, but the universe had other plans for him.

It should be known that "Jr." was a good, honest man.  He stood by his family.  He stood by his friends.  He didn't judge.  He laughed, he joked, he made you feel welcome.  There wasn't a day that passed that you couldn't find "Jr." sitting at the dining room table cracking jokes at someone.  And some of the stuff that came out of his mouth would leave you doubled over in stitches!  I can think of a few of his favorite sayings:

"Who's the best looking guy you know and why am I?"
"Hey, ____, how far do you think you would have gotten if I hadn't called you back?"
"Hey, ____, just checkin' assholes, you're alright."
And my two favorites...
"Hey Amy, who's the prettiest girl you know, and why are you?"   (*sigh* - he was a kind man)
"Petey, show Burdick your balls"  (This is what Jr would tell Petey (their dog)...to which Petey would react by laying on his back to expose himself...  "Burdick" is my Dad)

Sadly, his passing wasn't completely unexpected; he's been in and out of the hospital recently, but you always think there is more time.  Unfortunately, time waits for no man. 

So, here I sit, thinking of my past; thinking of the times we had on Beaver Street; my family & theirs.  The countless hours of laughter.  The good times.  I'll never forget the times we had together.  Now, a distant memory, but always a part of me. 

With today's Tunes for Tuesday post, I'd like to dedicate a song to "Jr." 

Until we meet again...

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